Hello! I'm Stak

Welcome to my section of the internet


I maybe can’t call myself an internet elder but I’ve been kicking around here for awhile and I have some thoughts


 1) The Online Business World™ is a fucking mess!
There’s so many pyramid scheme style things happening everywhere I look. Gurus at the top selling masterminds, to entrepreneurs who sell courses, to people who coach coaches, on how they can sell their memberships on getting more sales. It’s gross and once you see it it impossible to unsee.

2) It’s really hard to know how to be “successful” and not be “Like That”
Once you see it, your mission becomes not to be it. But how do you have a successful business or organisation without doing all those things. Who do you listen to? Who do you trust? Can you do anything important without cheapening it?

3) So many amazing things and people are out there if you know where to look

And I desperately don’t want them to disappear!!

  I’ve been around this strange world of online business for enough years to know while there’s an over supply of soulless sales pitches and MLM’s, there are also some amazing things out there. And too many of them never get to see the light of anyone else’s screen.

I don’t want the beautiful creative minds, people like you, who are genuinely working to help, brighten and connect, to be lost in an endless sea of internet wank.

I want you to keep making, keep creating. I want all the amazing things you have to offer to the world!

If you are struggling to bring your vision to life I’m talking to you.


The world needs your thing!


Things to know about me that relate to you:

  1. I’m a swearbear.

  2. I have ADHD and so I have super powered knowledge of how to keep peoples attention.

  3. I’ve been yelling at websites since I first got the net. I have a lot of opinions. Get them here.

  4. I live in Australia so if we schedule a call, chances are I’ll be up very early or very late. Maybe in pajamas.

  5. I have a small kid that sometimes pops up while I’m on calls. He’s very cute, but don’t let that deceive you.
