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The world desperately needs more inspiring creations in it


But so many makers and creators find themselves trapped by self doubt and imposter syndrome


 This starts you down the path of thinking your idea isn’t “viable”, you need to live in the real world and get a proper job and BAM, another creative dream bites the dust.

I know what it feels like to have big ideas but fear they are silly and unrealistic when you try to put it into reality.

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For so long I felt like I was playing dress ups on the internet

After stepping out into the internet world years ago I’ve lost myself in online business comparison traps more times than I can count.

I spent the first two years redoing my website, over and over every few weeks. All my time and attention went into it, learning design, strategy, optimisation ect ect.

I wanted to feel like I belonged there.

That my ideas were worth something.


I believe your ideas are worth something


I’m not saying the cure for imposter syndrome and self doubt is a shiny new website.

But it’s the foundation you build from and you need that foundation to be strong.

When you have a website that works with you, one you feel proud of, it makes you confident and excited about you dreams. You feel ‘legit’ instead of like you’re playing dress ups.

Which then gives you the confidence to let more of your amazing creative magic loose in the world. And it lets you connect to people you can grow a community with.

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-Website refresh

I already have a website… but I want it to be better. Pls help

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-Brand new site

I’m starting my first website and I need alllll the help

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-DIY Consult call

I can do it myself. I just need a little bit of advice

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It seems like everyone and their kid can build a website these days

While the wave of new website builders in the past ten years has made building a website easier than ever, it still is a huge undertaking. And often a much bigger one than people anticipate.

Some things past clients have said include:

  • “I didn't really know what was possible in Squarespace!”

  • ”You helped me look at so many things from angles I'd never considered.”

  • ”I didn’t realise how much I was limiting my website.”

And while coding isn’t a huge part of website creating anymore, strategy still is.

There definitely isn’t one right way to make a website, but there some wrong ones.

There are also elements that will make your website work for you. Like some kind of awesome business partner you don’t have to worry about getting into a huge fight with and ruining Christmas.

Want to know more?